Languages: English, Hindi and Marathi
Subjects: Math, Environmental Studies (EVS) Computer, Art & Craft, Music, Gen. Knowledge and Physical & Health Education; Work experience for Class V
Language: English and Hindi
Subjects: Math, Science and Social Science, FOIT, Art, Music, Work Education and Physical & Health Education
Languages: English, Hindi and Marathi
Subjects: Math, Science and Social Science Computer, Art, Music, Gen. Knowledge, Physical & Health Education and Work Experience
For more details please contact school administration
Languages: English(compulsory) and Hindi
[ Any three Electives for:]
Science Stream: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science.
Commerce Stream: Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics and Computer Science.
Physics and Chemistry are compulsory for Science.
Any one elective out of Maths, Biology and Computer Science for Science.
In lieu of Hindi, any one of the remaining electives from each group can be taken.
General Studies for both Science and Commerce Stream.